The long-rumored ESPN late night show, starring Jason Kelce, has been officially announced. The first season will be a limited engagement, airing for five straight weeks starting at the end of the regular NFL season until Pro Bowl weekend.
Before we get to the news at hand, I want to take a quick moment to congratulate Jason Kelce, his wife Kylie, and his three kids on the exciting news that their family is growing by one! Kylie took to her TikTok to announce, in good humor, her pregnancy. Four kids are no joke!
And we wonder why we see Jason Kelce everywhere!
On to Late Night… with Jason Kelce?
The crossover I never expected and didn’t know I needed is a traditional late night show with a sports theme to it. I grew up watching Conan and he’s been, in my opinion, the status quo of what it means to be a late night talk show host. While not the best, but definitely watchable, Jimmy Fallon has been holding down the crown jewel of late night for over 10 years now and I once had tickets to an episode (they are extremely difficult to get) only to leave them at home and just assume that they had us on a list.
Spoilers, they didn’t. Jen has not let me forget about this moment in our history together. It’ll be on my tombstone. Here lies Kev. He forgot the Jimmy Fallon tickets.
The whole format of the genre is something I truly love and am inspired by–the podcast I’ve been hosting since 2016, Everything is Awesome, is inspired by that genre. Hell, our live shows are even called Everything is Awsome Late Night. So, to say that I’m excited about They Call It Late Night is an understatement. The fact that A) Jason Kelce is hosting it and that B) it will filmed in Philadelphia are incredible bonuses.
They Call It Late Night with Jason Kelce Details
The most exciting thing for me is that this ESPN late night show won’t be strictly a sports show, something I wasn’t totally interested in when rumors began. According to the press release, “the new personality-driven, one-hour program will take its inspiration from traditional late-night television, emphasizing a comedic approach”. Will Jason Kelce redefine late night television? Doubtful. But I can’t think of many retired athletes that could pull this show off, but perhaps this Jason Kelce stan is a bit biased.
They Call It Late Night with Jason Kelce is shaping up to be the kind of event only Philly could host. From Union Transfer, the Super Bowl champ himself will bring his big personality and unmatched sense of humor we’ve come to love from his, and his brother’s–Travis, podcast, New Heights, to a live audience of NFL fans. Picture Kelce breaking down NFL storylines and weekend games with a mix of football’s biggest names and surprise guests—all with the kind of humor and insight that only Kelce can deliver.
But this isn’t your standard talk show. Fans in the audience will have a chance to join in, adding another layer to the good-natured chaos as Kelce and crew dive into football topics with a mix of conventional takes and off-the-wall shenanigans.
How to Get Tickets
They Call It Late Night with Jason Kelce will be taped on Friday evenings, a few hours before each airing:
Episode | Date | Time (ET) | Network |
1 | Saturday, Jan. 4 | 1 a.m. | ESPN |
2 | Saturday, Jan. 11 | 1 a.m. | ESPN |
3 | Saturday, Jan. 18 | 1 a.m. | ESPN |
4 | Saturday, Jan. 25 | 1 a.m. | ESPN |
5 | Saturday, Feb. 1 | 1:30 a.m. | ESPN |
Fans of late night will be familiar with the ticketing process. First and foremost, like most late night talk shows, tickets will be free. They’ll be available on the 1iota platform, though no other details are known. We’ll be sure to provide updates as they become available.
What are thoughts on ‘They Call It Late Night with Jason Kelce’? Are you excited to see this unique blend of sports talk and traditional late night television? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok.